Sunday, December 31, 2006

Ancient Documents Recently Discovered Starts Jan 3

January 3: Betty Adam gives background for the course in an introductory lecture on recently discovered documents:
1. 1896 discovery of Secret Book of John, the Sophia of Jesus Christ, the Gospel of Mary, and Acts of Peter (the Berlin Codex)
2. 1945 discovery of 13 codices at the Nag Hammadi in Egypt.
3. 1947 discovery in Qumran environs of Dead Sea Scrolls
4. 2001 discovery of the Gospel of Judas (Codex Tchacos)

January 10: April DeConick explores in detail what the Gospel of Judas REALLY says!
In recent interpretations by Bart D. Ehrman and Marvin Meyer ---as revealed in the National Geographic television documentary and book --- Judas is the hero of the newly discovered The Gospel of Judas and the only disciple who can enter the divine realm. Dr. DeConick rejects this interpretation in this blockbuster lecture in which she details what the Gospel of Judas REALLY says. The truth is that in this Gospel Judas is no friend of Jesus and certainly is no hero or saint.

This class will be in The Jeffers Conference Room at Christ Church Cathedral, 1117 Texas Ave. at 7pm.

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